Why invest in Zoomability?

Best solution on a growing market

There are many reasons to invest in Zoomability.
The Zoom and it's strong IP is the best solution for people than normally are limited to homes or city pavements. The company has just begun to address the rapidly growing world market, and is in a great position to become the dominant player.


The zoom has been sold to more than 1000 users in 17 countries, almost without any marketing efforts. It is now time to expand our reseller network and start effective communication with the market.

65 M

Potential users
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it's estimated that in 2022 approximately 65 million people worldwide need a wheelchair for mobility

$6,8 b

Estimated market in USA only
The North America wheelchair market alone, was valued at USD 1.7 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.1% from 2023 to 2030

Stock data

Latest data from Spotlight. For more information visit our page on Spotlight.
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"...Trots utmaningar har Zoomability registrerat ett JV-företag i Kina och breddat distributionsnätverket, vilket i kombination med en potentiell lansering av Zoom 2.0, ökad marknadsföring och full drift av produktion i Kina, anser Analyst Group att Zoomability besitter en god position för att visa på stark tillväxt framgent..."

Company overview

Zoomability Int AB develops, manufactures, and sells the electric vehicle Zoom Uphill through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Zoomability AB, which in turn has a subsidiary in the USA, Zoomability Inc.

The products are primarily intended for individuals suffering from physical disabilities and illnesses with limited mobility, but can be used by anyone without stigma.

Customers are found among private individuals worldwide. The United States is the largest market with the highest number of vehicles sold, followed by Sweden, the Netherlands, and Italy.

Sales are conducted through various partners around the world. In total, Zoom Uphill is available in more than 17 countries.

Vi börjar nu se ljuset i tunneln med en klar ökning av försäljningen sista kvartalet 2024. Vi ser också med tillförsikt fram emot 2025. Inte bara beroende på det fina Q4-2024, utan främst beroende på den game changer som vårt JV i Kina utgör. Det är verkligen på tiden, fast vi är ännu inte helt på fast mark.

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Shareholder information

Pehr-Johan Fager

CEO, Board member
född 1953, är verkställande direktör i Zoomability sedan januari 2018 och styrelseledamot sedan mars 2018. Pehr-Johan Fager innehar en fil. kand. i kemi och biologi från Uppsala universitet. Han har över 25 års erfarenhet från ledande befattningar inom medicinteknikindustrin, både från multinationella företag och mindre bolag. Stationerad i Sverige har han under den tiden haft hela världen som arbetsfält med störst erfarenhet från EU-länder, USA, Kina och Japan. Förutom företagsledning, sälj och marknad har han varit mycket engagerad i R&D, och IT samt regulatoriska frågor och kvalitetsfrågor. Pehr-Johan har de senaste 12 åren arbetat som managementkonsult med fokus på att hjälpa företag att utvecklas och bli lönsamma. Utöver uppdragen i Zoomability är Pehr-Johan VD i AreBe Group AB och har några andra styrelseuppdrag. Han är också ordförande i Riksförbundet Hälsofrämjandet.

Karl-Axel Sundkvist

Chairman of the board
född 1962, är ordförande i Zoomability sedan mars 2018. Karl-Axel är en ekonom som arbetar med ledar- och organisations- samt prestationsutveckling inom näringsliv, offentlig verksamhet samt inom idrotten.

1996 coachade han kanotdamer till OS-guld i Atlanta och blev utsedd till Sveriges främsta idrottsledare. Att skapa framgångsrika mentala bilder och sedan överföra dem till verklighet är ett område där idrotten och affärsutveckling möts. Utöver uppdraget inom Zoomability innehar Karl styrelseuppdrag inom investment bolaget Falvir AB och listade bolaget Tikspac AB.

Niclas Granér

Board member
Född 1963. Niclas har bred erfarenhet med teknik- och produktutveckling. Niclas har arbetat i ledande befattningar, ofta som delägare, i innovativa bolag med internationella kunder och leverantörer.
Han har även drivit företag inom hotell- och besöksnäringen.
Niclas är i botten maskiningenjör och byggt på med olika kurser på Högskolan Dalarna , bl.a. industriell ekonomi.
Arbetar i dagsläget med att investera och engagera sig i intressanta bolag och projekt.

Peter Grufman

Board member
Född 1958. Peter är i grunden maskiningenjör och har mer än 25 års erfarenhet i ledande befattningar i ett flertal tekniktunga företag med internationella kunder och leverantörer.
Förutom företagsledning, sälj och marknad har han också varit mycket engagerad i produktutveckling.
Peter har varit VD, General Manager och produktionschef i flera företag och har stor internationell erfarenhet från bl.a. LC-Tec Holding koncernen under 16 år, varav 8 år som fabrikschef i Kina.
Zoomability AB
Brandthovdagatan 24
721 35 Västerås, Sweden
Zoomability uses the IP2Location LITE database for
IP Geolocation
March 13, 2025 © All rights reserved
Hi, my name is Annie, and I’ve been living with a spinal cord injury for 19 years.

Combining my love for animals and nature with severe pain and limited mobility has been a tough challenge for the healthcare system to solve. Even though I’ve been using an “extreme” wheelchair for 12 years, it has come with significant limitations on what I can do. Two years ago, I received an updated version of the chair, but while it looked similar visually, it came with several major design flaws.
Due to my injury, I need extensive core support. For someone like me, who’s determined to keep up with horses, sheep herding, and my two Border Collies (my greatest passion), finding a functional wheelchair has been incredibly tricky. Most seats fail to provide the balance I need for my upper body, leaving me in extreme pain.

Two years ago, I looked into a Zoomability chair, but everyone around me said, “No, you won’t be able to handle it.” So, I kept fighting with all my might for my right to live an active life.

Then, in August 2024, the electronics in my “extreme” wheelchair burned out. Knowing how slow the healthcare system typically is—and that getting a specialized wheelchair repaired would take months (as of now, it’s being repaired abroad—sigh)—I convinced my somewhat worried husband that we should go and try out a Zoom. I was in the middle of the herding season, with two very active dogs, and being stuck indoors was no fun for anyone around me.

When I arrived, I thought, how are they going to fit my 183 cm frame and broad hips into that seat? And how will I manage with my spastic legs? But it worked—I was secured in place as if held by a vise. Getting out was admittedly harder, but to my surprise, I wasn’t in more pain after the test drive. Zoomability listened carefully to my feedback and explained how the chair could be customized for me.

The test drive was amazing! We made the decision the next day, and four days later, we picked up my very own Zoom. It’s had a few custom modifications so I can sit even more comfortably for longer periods.

For 19 years, I’ve navigated tough terrain in sheep pastures that felt like mogul courses, often with my heart in my throat. Now, I zoom through them. Even my dogs seem to think, Are you really allowed to go this fast out here in the fields?

Strangely, I never think about the cost anymore. If it ever comes up, my husband and I both chime in at the same time: Worth every penny.

For 19 years, mud, soft ground, glare ice, and more have been my nemesis, forcing me to skip activities and avoid certain places because they were inaccessible. Now, it’s almost a challenge to try new things. I often come home covered in mud but with a huge smile on my face.

Many people criticize the simplicity of the seat design. For me, it’s the magical ingredient that lets me navigate with my Zoom.
Because of my spasticity, we chose to install a fixed safety belt, which works perfectly.

Thank you, Zoomability, for doing everything to ensure I got my Zoom quickly, and for listening attentively and helping me find solutions tailored to my physical needs.